The Office Series Tracker

The Office is BY FAR my FAVORITE series! I am always up for re-watching The Office any day, any time. Micheal Scott is HILARIOUS, Dwight is just Dwight, and Jim and Pam are one of my favorite TV couples and beyond goals! Since I am huuuge fan of the series, I decided to dedicate a... Continue Reading →

Duolingo Tracker – Free Printable

My New Year resolutions will always include "Learn a new language" Honestly nothing beats the feeling of crossing off items on a To Do list and coloring boxes in a tracker. It even feels best when it is a tracker you can refer to daily and you can quickly start seeing your progress. If you... Continue Reading →

FREE Password Tracker Printable

So many passwords... not enough memory. I have signed up to so many websites that my brain at this point can't handle memorizing all the usernames, emails, and passwords. If you are as forgetful as I am then this tracker is for you! The Design It is pretty straight forward. Download the printable and jot... Continue Reading →

Meal planning is not just about plannning the meals for a week, it is also a LIFE SAVIOR! I absolutely can't stand going through a week of non-planned meals. It literally throws me off the entire week all because every day I have to wake up and ask myself the most tiring question "What should... Continue Reading →

FREE Monthly Habit Tracker Printable: Watermelon Slices

A habit tracker is a simple way to measure whether you did a habit. The Design The Habit Tracker has 9 spots for habits that you can track and 31 days each. After choosing the habits that you want to track, cross / color the days where you do that habit as you go through the month. It... Continue Reading →

"We are what we repeatedly do." This is hands down one of the templates that I can not live without. I use it monthly to track my habits. It includes mostly things that I need to be doing daily/weekly (or at least do my best to do). Drawing the tracker is a time consuming task,... Continue Reading →

"There are a lot of things to be happy about" ... and I want to track them! Let's Track the Year! Each year, I try to create a new yearly mood tracker. Aaaand, here comes the one for 2019! It's by far definitely a favorite tracker because I loved the Inside Out movie sooo much!... Continue Reading →

Ready for the holidays? I know I am! The Design It's always nice to see how your month turned out to be by tracking how you felt throughout it!And what better way to do that, then having holiday lights as a template! I filled in the moods that I wanted to track and then assigned... Continue Reading →

Who doesn't like to binge watch movies?! The Design There are plenty of must-watch-movies that I want to watch but still have not gotten the chance or the time to do it. Sooo I decided to start writing them down! This way, whenever I want to watch a movie, I just look at the list... Continue Reading →

if you enjoy runnin or walking, this one is for you! The Design Basically, what I do is that each time I run, I color the distance that I covered during that run. 1 Square = 1 Km I dedicate a color for each run to be able to differentiate the number of runs I... Continue Reading →

If you're a reader, then this one is definitely for YOU! The Design I chose to keep it simple by just adding one of my favorite quotes about reading. I created two designes; one for those who prefer to have the page lined, and another for those who prefer it blank. Lined Page Blank Page... Continue Reading →

I've never done a yearly calendar, but there's a first for everything! I decided to start a yearly calendar because I thought it would be cool to track all the important dates in one single spread. It would be nice to take a look at it at the end of the year and see all... Continue Reading →

Another year basically just means another YEAR IN PIXELS! The Design I ended up using a scale to describe the day using adjectives. I think this will make it more accurate than just the smiley faces I've used in Year In Pixels 2017. I just loooove how it turned out. It's making me all excited... Continue Reading →

Here's for Another Month! Since it's September, I have almost non-existing artistic skill, and I'm lazy as hell, I wanted to do something easy and simple. I just drew bunch of twigs with leaves and it actually turned out pretty awesome! I colored them 3 shades of green just to give it more texture and... Continue Reading →

If you ever needed a way to track the series you watch, THIS IS IT! 😀 The Design: Basically, I drew movie clips and wrote the name of the series inside of them. Afterwards, I added tables and numbered the boxes based on the # of episodes that season had. This way, I just color... Continue Reading →

It's APRIL!  ... Better start tracking! The Design: Another simple tracker because I track in colors. I had a flowery themed font for the month's name because it's officially spring time! What It Looks Like: I personally decided to print it as an A5 size this month because I don't feel like I want it to... Continue Reading →

MARCH IS HERE! So many things to track! ^_^  I'm going for a simple tracker this month, all because of the fact that I track with all sorts of colors, so a simple tracker by the end of the month turns into something colorful! 😀 The Design WHAT MINE LOOKS LIKE: Basically, I'm tracking 14... Continue Reading →

Tired of forgetting when did you last do something? It's time to journal those dates! 😀 (The above statement sounds like an anti-dandruff shampoo ad, but whatever) A simple page in your bullet journal that will help you track dates of things you don't necessarily do on a weekly or even monthly basis. When Did... Continue Reading →

Okay, this month is all about "love being in the air," and that's why my February Activity Tracker looks a little like this: I designed it, downloaded it with a size of A4 (the size of bullet journal paper is A5), and glued it to my bullet journal on two pages next to each other!... Continue Reading →

Well, February is here and it's time for a new monthly calendar in my Bu-Jo! My friend drew a nice calendar in her Bu-Jo and that's how I was  inspired to do mine! Actually she gave me the idea of transforming her drawing into a printable calendar for myself and others out there. 🙂  steps... Continue Reading →

I've been trying to create a Yoga Workout Tracker in my bullet journal for quite some time now... Since I'm new to Yoga, I didn't think it would fit doing one of those challenges that mention the movements that I'd have to do every day alone. I'm new to the extent that I don't even... Continue Reading →

FREE Movie Tracker Printable: Film Reels | Tracking Films You’ve Watched in Your Bullet Journal

Track in your journal all the movies that you have watched! You could also add ratings if you want to. The Design I designed two kinds of pages. Page 1 includes the title along with film reels and Page 2 includes the film reels alone. This way, whenever I need to add more movies, I... Continue Reading →

If you like to track daily habits and activities - or even activities you do every couple of days, an Activity Tracker is just the perfect thing for you! It's  a great way to keep note of everything you do on regular basis and works as a reminder for things you have done/still have to do!... Continue Reading →

It's always nice to notice how you year turns out as you track the happy days and the not so happy ones... Year in Pixels is the PERFECT way to do so! The Design 1. Print the design and glue it to your journal 2. Color the key on the side I decided to add... Continue Reading →

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