365 Degrees of Me

Hello. My name is Dana and I’m your regular introvert journaling-obsessed embroidery-fanatic girl next door.

Back in 2016, I made a New Year resolution to start journaling. Years later with multiple journals, trackers, templates, and several attempts at being artistic, I became a journaling addict.

When I am not writing in my bullet journal, I am stitching my way through an embroidery piece. I am on a mission to color the world one knot at a time! Okay, so maybe not the whole world, but some of it at least. I make embroidery pieces, cross-stitch, crochet, and amigurumis!

365 Dayso of Dana is a place for you to get inspired, check out some ideas, download some printables and patterns, and find some tips and tricks laying around. Stick around and let me know if you try any of the ideas.

About Me

I studied Engineering, so the arts has always been a scary realm for me. However, I have always been organized and journaling and embroidery became my attempt at unleashing whatever creativity there is in me. I use simple tricks, design templates and patterns, and avoid drawing free-hand straight lines like my life depends on it.

You can follow me on Instagram for latest More Than Knots updates!

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